Duel Trusted Network

Frequently asked questions

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If your question is not answered on this page you can contact Ed for help at [email protected]

We'll pay 15% of the first years deal value for all successful introductions. This is likely to range between $3,291 - $37,500 per deal.

If a task needs to be moderated, it will usually take 24 hours but can in some situations take up to 72 hours. There may be slightly longer wait times over weekends and during national holidays.

You can delete your Duel Trusted Network account via the Settings section within your portal.

Click "Edit profile" to access your profile page and then you will be able to update your profile picture and/or display name.

You will be able to cash out once you've earned $500. This can be earned either by completing tasks or introducing us to brands that would be a good fit for Duel. Once you've made it to $500, payment will be automatically sent to the PayPal address linked to the email you signed up with.

After an introductory call takes place, we'll be able to estimate how large or small a deal is likely to be. Whilst this isn't an absolute science, it can be used as a guide while we iron out the commercial details.

If you've made an introduction and would like to know what we predict a deal will be worth, reach out to Ed at [email protected]

Commission will be paid quarterly, but we update the portal monthly so you'll see how much commission you are owed. This information can be seen on the Status tab once you've reached the Advocate tier,

Using the program

You can keep track of member invitations via your portal's homepage. If someone has submitted an application to the program via your unique invitation link, you will notice your "pending" number increase. If you are not seeing this, make sure the person you invited has successfully submitted the application form and verified their email address. As applications are reviewed manually, please allow time for our team to review the request. You will only be rewarded if the person you invite is accepted into the program.

Referrals, affiliates and commission

Once you make it past (pre-commission tier), you will have the opportunity to earn commission on any purchases made through your personal Member Page, affiliate link or referral code.

You will be able to keep track of commission owed to you within your portal's homepage, but please bear in mind that this figure may change from time to time, in order to account for cancelled/part-refunded orders.

Your commission will be paid out (refund period) after an order is processed (to account for returns and processing), via PayPal. We will be sending payments to the email address you used to sign up to this program.

If you do not have a PayPal account linked to this email address, you can easily redeem your commission by creating a PayPal account when the payment is sent to you.

Alternatively, if you'd like to change your Duel Trusted Network email address to the same as your pre existing PayPal account you can easily do so via Settings within the portal:

You can read about this further within Duel's Platform Terms of Use and Payment Service Terms and feel free to get in touch with us via the help button at the top right hand corner with any questions. NOTE: All payments will come from Duel Holdings Limited


Moderation usually takes 24 hours but can in some situations take up to 72 hours. There may be slightly longer wait times over weekends and during national holidays.

After submitting an Instagram Post task, it will automatically move to the 'Awaiting Approval' stage. Please wait for up to 5 minutes.

If you receive a notification in the notification tab confirming successful completion, your task submission was successful. However, if the notification indicates rejection due to missing hashtags and/or mentions, ensure that you include the requested mention and all specified hashtags before resubmitting.


You will need to copy the promo code directly from your rewards tab and paste it into your basket at checkout. Please double check the terms of the code before applying it. Some promo codes are only valid for a specific set of products or for a minimum basket spend, for example.

Using the app

The program overview page covers all the information included in the welcome message.